We are living through a time when we can exist very well while doing very little, reyling upon modern conveniences to accomplish simple everyday tasks.
Our lives are often sedentary. We sit in front of our computers, televsions, and in our cars longer than we should. When we do exercise, we tend to concentrate on linear activities like walking, running or biking for concetrated periods of time rather than moving constantly throughout our day like our ancestors did.
It is because of our modern lifestyle that almost 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, which affects more people than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined.
Chronic Pain As a Result of Technology
Studies have found that low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide and that back pain is one of the most common reasons that people miss work. Ironically, it is often the demands of our jobs (and the technologies associated with them) that are causing so many of us to suffer from pain in the first place.
The cause of so many people’s pain can be attributed to sitting for extended periods of time in front of a computer monitor, hunched over with out necks craning forward in an awkward position. In fact, frequent and consistent computer-related activities were found to be contributing risk factors for shoulder, neck, and low back pain.
Becuase most occupations require prolonged use of computer technology, we are now seeing escalting complaints of neck, shoulder, and low back pain. Many people experience pain or discomfort after using a computer for as littlt as two hours, yet so many of today’s jobs require sitting in front of a computer for eight hours a day.
What’s worse, when we are not seated in front of our computers, we can be found on our personal devices devides instead. When we aren’t working, many of us are spending two to four hours a day on average on our cell phones with our heads tilted in forward.
This stance with the head titled forward while we look down at our phones is now known as “tech neck,” and this forward head position can ultimately have a significant impact on the cervical spine. The consequences of poor posture are severe and people are suffering as a result.
With the increased demands of technology in the digital age, and our ability to live well with very little effot or movement, many of us are suffering from pain now more than ever. Technology is only going to expand and creep into more facets of our everyday lives.
So what can we do to combat the ill effects that it is having on our posture, our health, and our well being?
The answer: Posture therapy.
The Tenets of Posture Therapy
Posture therapy seeks to undo the imbalances in our bodies through a series of strengthening exercises, stretches, and re-positioning exercises that treat postural misalignments. It is an effective, non-medical method for stopping chronic pain.
By examining the position of the body, we can identify misalignments and provide simple movements and ecercises to help return the body to neutral. When proper balance and alignment is restiored, we are able move more freely without pain or discomfort.
In fact, the pain often subsides and disappears altogether, all without manipulation, pills, or surgery.
Posture therapy helps to correct the underlying, root cause of your pain instead of only treating the symptoms.
Benefits of Posture Therapy
Correcting your posture can have additional benefits beyond eliminating chronic pain. Those who have success with this treatment may sometimes avoid expensive surgeries, especially those suffering from back and knee pain.
The improvements that come as a result of posture therapy can also be long lasting provided effort is made to maintain it. A body that is correctly aigned is one that is more likely to have all of its systems working optimally, which translates into being less prone to injury as well.
Better balance and performance can also be achieved through correcting posture. Proper alignment equals better balance which allows us to perform more effectively while expending less energy.
Who Is Posture Therapy For?
Anyone can benefit from this method. Age and ability do not matter. The exercises are relatively easy to remember, and are easy to practice at home or on the go, and they are no-impact. “No pain, no gain” is not the idea here.
Interested in learning more about how we do things? Want to finally rid yourself of chronic pain? Give us a call today!